Pledge Support

The LCNL is a not for profit community group run by volunteers and supported by donations and grants from local organisations which allows us to offer kits and support FREE of charge.

You are not required to pay for the service you receive, but if you would like to support us after your hire you can do so by sharing details of the library online, recommending us (and reusable nappies) to your family, friends and colleagues. You can invite, or share details with us, to locations where you think we could advertise the library and refer us for funding opportunities. 

If you would like to pledge financial support to the library you can do so by following the instructions below:

Any one off financial pledges of support will help us pay for costs such as:


Washing supplies (detergent, stain remover bar) and costs (water and electricity)

Travel and entrance to events/pop ups

Replacement of old/lost stock

Printing, laminating and other stationary

To pledge support you can transfer a donation to the below library Paypal or Bank Account.


Bank details Kylie Miles Sort 30-91-72 Acc 51924968